Other Research

Exploring 3D Arrangements of See-Through Masks
This demo explores prioritization techniques to arrange see-through masks in virtual reality (VR). The oval masks show live previews of different virtual environments (VEs) and allow for seamless teleportation into a corresponding VE by putting the mask on the face.
ACM VRST ’24 — Demo
Evaluation of Interactive Body-Worn FPCBs
Commercially available flexible printed circuit boards (FPCBs) have the potential to embed electronics, connectivity, and interactivity into the same surface. This makes them an ideal platform for untethered and interactive wearable devices.
ACM UbiComp/ISWC '20 Adjunct — Poster
Introduction to Printed Electronics for HCI
Printed electronics is changing the landscape of interactive devices and user interfaces. It enables novel types of electrical components, which are thin and deformable. They can be integrated into a large diversity of materials and geometries. This can be used for novel types of devices.
Workshop at Mensch und Computer '15
Fingernail Displays: Handy Displays at your Fingertips
We introduce our vision of Fingernail Displays: tiny displays that are worn on the fingernails. We explore four application scenarios: (1) FingerPhone, (2) on-finger output on touch displays, (3) fingernail displays as in-situ information display on physical objects, and (4) animated nail art.
Workshop Paper at ACM CHI '13